Concrete Whale Tail Benches

- Whale tails are manufactured with specialty formulated fibre infused concrete for unmatched strength and durability
- Within each unit lies a custom designed welded skeleton constructed from 10M & 15M plain finish reinforcing bar
- Precast Concrete Whale Tails are manufactured in a CPCI, NPCA & CSA certified Precast Plant.
- The pre-slabbed tails make for instant installation, just drop into prepared location and backfill accordingly.
- The shear weight of the units make almost impossible for theft.
- Tails are available in a number of colored concretes and a variety of acid stain finishes.
- The exposed slab version can also come in a variety of colors or stains and finishes. ie.) stamped, exposed, etc.
- Pricing varies according to configuration, finishing requirements and quantity.
- Call 250-713-1865 for a quote.

Sample Colors of Optional Colored Concrete CLICK HERE
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